Earlier this year, Bleeding Cool reported that a collection of Grant Morrison and Gerhard's Heavy Metal Magazine story The Smile of the Absent Cat was due for this coming January, after a number of delays. The comic book, part of Grant Morrison's run as Editor-In-Chief of Heavy Metal, featured Louis Wain, an Edwardian artist known for being the first to do "cat cartoons." As he died penniless and insane, a state that Morrison assumes all creators strive for, the comic focuses on what happens to the world Wain made ("Catland") without its creator and how it will reflect the real events in his life. And begins with a cat detective who recently returned from the first World War who has a sixth sense, if not nine lives. A classic chat noir, with a missing heiress and a wicked pack of cards and a dark rite.

Well, you may have to wait a little longer. On his blog, Gerhard has updated readers with the current situation.

(Oh… and speaking of cats, some of you may be wondering what ever happened to the 'Smile of the Absent Cat' story I had been working on for all that time. Well, it's in a litigious limbo that I have no say in and will in all likelihood never see print. Yet another reason that it's hard to stay motivated in the "Comics Biz")

Litigious limbo? With Grant Morrison, their former EIC? Bleeding Cool also reported on issues regarding the publication of Cold Dead War based on the Dan O'Bannon Heavy Metal story that may also have legal implications. Withdrawn from solicitations, with promises it would return in January, there has been no such sign yet.

Gerhard is best known for the incredibly detailed backgrounds he used to contribute to the independent monthly comic Cerebus with Dave Sim. The Smile of the Absent Cat is his most prominent and length comics project since Cerebus finished with issue 300. Grant Morrison, longstanding comics writer, with everything from Zenith to Doom Patrol to Arkham Asylum to New X-Men to Batman to Happy, was appointed Editor-In-Chief for a number of years, until recent changes at the magazine. Morrison also contributed a number of notable strips, including The Smile of the Absent Cat. They are currently working at Z2 Comics with former Heavy Metal managing editor, Rantz Hosely, on the Anthrax comic book release. Here's a little look at what ran.

Grant Morrison and Gerhard's Absent Cat, Collected

Grant Morrison and Gerhard's Absent Cat, Collected

Grant Morrison and Gerhard's Absent Cat, Collected

About Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.

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